My wife and I were in the living room the other night when she pointed to this green insect crawling up the side of our barbecue grill cover. Neither of us could identify it–was it a spider? A stick insect? I grabbed my camera, went out to investigate, and saw that it was (or at least appeared to be) a very young grasshopper. As I snapped his picture he was probably looking back at me and wondering what this giant monster with a black clicking box was doing :)
Stacey Menin says
Might be a cricket. We just had a cute encounter with one of these little fellas last night at the dinner table! I thought grasshopper as well.. but the further I investigate I have read that the crickets have long antennae while grasshoppers tend to have short ones. This is how I fell upon your post… part of my investigation! Your photo is adorable!
Stacey Menin says
I just wanted to add… I still believe it is a grasshopper.. just like our little visitor.
Simon says
Thanks for the update! I’ll stick with the Grasshopper assessment then :)
Simon says
Very interesting! I always thought of crickets as being dark colored, but perhaps this is a different kind that I had not heard of before. Hmm…
abygale says
that’s so cool.
abygale says
that’s so cool. I always freak out when I see bugs of any kind.