I took this at the Bocce Ball tournament during the annual Oklahoma Special Olympics, held on the OSU campus at Boone Pickens Stadium. My coworker’s daughter was helping out with this particular event so we walked over to see her and the team she was with, and while we were there I tried to capture a bit of the scene with my camera. In doing so I realized again just how far I have to go when it comes to taking pictures of people, especially in a crowded public setting. I just did not feel comfortable getting close enough to these athletes to take their photos (I’m just a dude with a camera, after all, and not a credentialed sports photographer or anything like that) so I tried this approach instead. I’m happy with the picture itself, but I’m not sure if it works to adequately capture the energy and excitement of the day. No, scratch that. I know it does not work. Hmm. I’m going to need to practice sports photography more…
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