To be honest I feel kind of silly posting this picture because there’s not really a whole lot going on here: it’s a couple flowers against a green background. Anyone could get this shot, maybe even with an iPhone. So why post it here? Well…because I just like the photo. It didn’t require any special techniques, gear, or even much effort but that’s not really the point. If my goal as a photographer (well, one of them anyway) is to create images that I like, then this basic picture fits the bill quite well. I shot it when I was out looking for a different photo that I might post here someday if I can ever get it right, and even though there’s nothing particularly noteworthy about it I think I might end up printing it as a wall decoration someday. It’s simple but visually pleasing, and sometimes that’s all you need :)
This was in the middle of a medium-sized flower patch and that I paused and examined for a few minutes from a couple different angles. I generally don’t like shooting at ultra-wide apertures because the shallow depth of field can be a bit too unwieldy, so I took a few at f/4 with the goal of getting one flower in focus but adding some blurred out ones in the background for a bit of context:

I usually don’t look at my pictures until I get them loaded into Lightroom but I wondered if f/4 might result in a depth of field that was a bit too wide, so I looked around a bit more for a solitary flower with just a few others in the background. Soon I found the one you see in the original photo and took a few shots at f/1.8 (which required a 1/8000 shutter speed even at ISO 100) specifically because I was hoping to do a couple of things in the image:
• I wanted the focal point of the image to be the flower in the center, which was a bit different from my usual style of having the subject off to one side
• I wanted the flower on the right to be slightly out of focus, but not too much
• I wanted the third flower on the left to be way out of focus to give a sense of depth and perspective
• I wanted the sidewalk behind the flowers to be in the background as a way of adding a bit of color variety
Overall I am quite pleased with how things turned out, and I guess it just goes to show that sometimes you don’t need to be all artsy and technical about things. Sometimes you just gotta take a picture of a flower :)
Teresa says
Great pic. Very useful to know the settings you used and why. Thanks
Simon says
Thank you, Teresa! I’m glad you like the pic and found my description of the settings to be helpful too :)
Matt Hahnewald says
Thank you very much for sharing.
Simon says
No problem, Matt. And thank YOU for visiting my site!
Debbie says
As a hobbyist I find your approach to photography so refreshing. Thanks for the weekly articles.
Simon says
I’m really glad to hear that, Debbie. I consider myself a complete amateur hobbyist as well, and I always like connecting with fellow aspiring photographers like you. I’m glad you find this site useful :)
William says
Nice colors and, as usual, use of DOF.
Simon says
Thanks, William! I’m glad you think it’s a nice use of DOF. I’m always torn between using too much or too little, and it’s nice to know this one turned out with just the right balance :)
Julie says
Beauty is beauty, nothing silly about that. This is gorgeous! :)
Simon says
Thank you so much, Julie! :D